The senior management of Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) coming up from Canberra on the 1st April for a talk with RaAus members from both Warwick and Clifton Aero Clubs meeting with them for a talk, BBQ Breakfast etc at the Clifton Airfield.
Senior Management of RaAus include the CEO, President, Tech and Ops team.
Getting there: Fly or Drive
Arrival time: 0800 hrs – BBQ Breakfast
Talk Time Start: 0900 hrs
No need to register with Clifton as QRAA has given Clifton and estimate on the numbers from QRAA.
Please register with the number in your party with us here at QRAA by completing the Event Registration Form, QRAA will compile a list just in case it’s estimate is out of whack.
Questions that have been forwarded to RaAus for meeting:
- What are current priorities at RAAus (corporate and membership related)?
- What is the board focusing on? Minutes are very vague and seem to just endorse the CEO on everything
- Losing the magazine has cut off the primary source of information transfer to us. The magazine was a critical knowledge transfer medium and must be reinstated. New electronic magazine, email and website reference material it to inconvenient and we have concluded that many members of our club don’t have time to access important information via the methods head office has imposed on us! There are some costs in organisations that must just be found for matters of importance to the membership.
- Why are there no fly-in events that focus on RAAus related activities. OzKosh (run apparently by private enterprise not SAAA) does not achieve this goal. Fly-ins educate, promote, focus, create friendships and are a good method of knowledge and idea exchange amongst peers.
- Where is the L2 support championed by RAAus HO? Support L2s with workshops, forums, method and expectations and safety and risk management will be addressed and enhanced. L2 insurance??
- Why did RAAus have to become a corporation, taking time, money and considerable resources to the detriment of membership related priorities?
- Member and Instructor RAAus Canberra driven support… Consider a ‘Chief Pilot’ role that does nothing but focus on member/Instructor interaction, education, events, discipline and support?
- Management of rogue and undisciplined RAAus pilots bring RAAus into disrepute.
- Airspace training and qualifications?
- 1500kg approval?
- Pilots that hold PPL and RAAus licenses… RAAus acceptance of PPL medicals and endorsements?
- More decline by RAAus around aircraft maintenance and procedures. Many RAAus pilots seem confused over their obligations. It is in the RAAus issued manuals however it needs to be reinforced by articles, seminars, emails to members, L1s, L2s etc… can this be considered?
We have copied the joining circuit procedure at Clifton video for you. Remember that 06 is a Right Hand Circuit.