A very pleasant day was had by all who attended.
This fly-in was recommended by our President Phil Goyne and when it was discovered that the Redcliffe Aero Club had organised a day for the 16th October it was decided to join them.
From QRAA, President Phil Goyne with wife Mary flew in with Graham & Liz Hawthorne, Doug & Robyn McCullough, Graham & Val Pukallus, Bob & Robyn Denis, Steve & Leslie Donald with Peter & Lynn Bugg driving up from the Gold Coast.
We all arrived prior to lunch enjoying a coffee at the Cafe before walking up to the Ramada Resort to inspect the facilities there. After this is was decided to have lunch at the Cafe where the Redcliffe Aero Club had booked tables with approximately 20 people in their group.
As for flying in, the group from Caboolture experience some turbulence flying down via the lane between Archerfield and Amberley.
To state the obvious, the landings were interesting but not overly challenging to the experienced pilots flying in, it just needed the pilot to be alert and vigilant.
On departure, the wind had picked up and again required the pilot to be on his/her game. One Cessna on departure was noticed to have a very high nose up attitude to the point those on the ground thought that he might stall. Doug McCullough’s experience on departure was that he had to hold the nose down to maintain a 70kt climb out rate. The wind must have been in the range of 15 – 20kts as tracking up the east coast of Stradbroke sand was blowing to the west from the sand mining and would have been as high as 2,000 feet.
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Cheers from the Events Team